Thursday 13 December 2012

We Have A SponsoR!!1!

Yes D.S fans, that's right, we have a sponsor!1!!
They are helping us buy goods such as foods, medical supplies, and other supermarket things that are advertised on this show!
Given by the clue (advertised on this show!), you can guess what company it is that's sponsoring us!!

Yep, you guessed it!1 It's Brand Power!!1!! If you can't remember what this company it shows us that you haven't been watching the television (as the youth call it - you might remember that we are trying to get you oldies and other D.S fans to use the youth terms to feel younger!) Anyway, back to the topic of 'if you can't remember Brand Power (!1!!)'. It either means you haven't watched the television as part of your daily schedule or you are just developing some form of memory decay! LOL (in this case lots of love, from Cherie B, not laugh out loud).

Either way, heres a picture of their logo!
Their logo is "Brand Power, Helping You Buy Better"

But here at Derrawarry, they haven't given us too much money for our goods to buy, or much variety either, just things like Gaviscon, Fish Oil Lollies and other random stuff (as the youth say - or is it rad - short for radical LOL - laugh out loud). 
So what we've done is used our editors photoshopping skills and made it this:

ANd the logo for this one should be:
"Bland Power, Helping You DIE Better!1!!"

LOL! (LAUGH OUT LOUd!) We said 'LOL' then because it is a retirement village, and oldies can die here LOL!1!! (No offence D.S citizens!) ANd also because it says bland instead of Brand!

Sunday 9 December 2012

A lovely Christmas song!!1!1

Here's a great Christmas song that all our citizens love.
You'll love it too! this singer is an inspiration to everyone at D. S making her comeback album "Wild One" all you have to do is copy this link into your web-address bar which will lead you to Metube. then you can just sit back, relax and let the christmas cheer fill your house!!!111!!!!111!!

Merry Christmas from Derrawarry Springs!!!!!!1!!!!!

Friday 7 December 2012

DErrawarry Radio!!1

In this post, aknowledge the recent deaths.
Trudy Mallunarn and George Vallufuoffs.
We also cover the topic that we call 'Don't Die at Derrawarry!'
YOur host will be Sharon McLAren.

If the video isn't there, know that we are still trying to put it on!! Technical difficulties are occurring..

We are putting it on MeTube!!!
Click Here!!!

If you can't click it, copy and paste it into your web-adress bar!! Wowee!! We are the great techies of the aGe!1!!