Friday 10 August 2012

The Competition is Finally Over!!1!

Hi D.S citizens and public!1!
We are really excited here because we finally get to reveal the mystery guest! Firstly we will reveal that it is a SHE! Secondly, we will reveal that she has a small job at Derrawarry so it can't be me (Cherie Burteneleigh)! And lastly, we can reveal that she is a radio host!! That's right! It's Sharon McLaren!!! The D.S citizens sounded and looked somewhat dissapointed  but we think that must just be the side effects of being a senior! ANyway, the arrival of Sharon will be in one week's time!
It's quite funnY how none of the citizens guessed that is was Miss McLaren! (yes, I said MISS wink, wink, nudge, nudge, hint, hint......other stuff to say that someone should be dating her!!) They all thought it would be someone even remotely famous! What a joke! They expect too much of us sometimes....

LOL (lots of love)
Cherie B!!!!111!\]

Saturday 4 August 2012

Keep Guessing Derrawarry!!!11!

At D.S, the competition is still on as to who the mystery guest is...and remember, this person has to do with Derrawarry Springs (slightly)! Here are some comments made by 2 D.S citizens:

A comment from a fellow citizen of D.S:
"I think it is Michael Bubbles (we think he means Michael Bublé)because he is always on the top charts of today!" Gregory Kitson
We hated to inform Gregory that he was wrong because Mr. Bublé had nothing to do with Derrawarry Springs and he isn't even Australian...we think.

A comment from a fellow citizen of D.S:
"Oh, it must be that fancy new Lady Gogo because EVERYONE loves her!1!! But I don't want anything to do with that flibbertigibbet.All she does is sing, sing, sing and dance and wear strange things like meat. Back in my day, no one would waste a good carcass of beef, especially the steak!I also would never, ever, EVER sit in an egg like an unborn chicken and...."Regina Carols
We had to stop Ms. Carols there because otherwise it would've taken up too much space!And of course we had to tell Regina that she was wrong! Keep guessing citizens!!

Keep on guessing D.S!!!11! We have a grand prize waiting for you*

*The grand prize is a warm "congrats" (as the youth say)!!!!

Friday 3 August 2012

"Mystery Guest' at D.S!!!

A surprised Georgia!
At D.S, we are so excited because we have a mystery guest coming! Of course, the office ladies and Cherie know who it is but it will be a grand surprise for our seniors! This 'person' will be arriving in 1 week and during that time, there will be a competition held! Whoever can guess who is coming wins*!
To kick the "comp" off, we will give everyone a clue... this person has a slight association with Derrawarry!!!1! Let the competition start!

*Winning in D.S just means everyone says a well deserved congratulations!