Wednesday 15 January 2014

Summer Entertainment - Dancing Doobies

Hello citizens of Derrawarry Springs. In our last post we talked about out two thousand and fourteen (or 2014 as the youth say!!1!11) summer activities. We told you residents that we were going to have many entertainers, from young to the crusty oldies like you!!11! Well, another group of performers known as the Dancing Doobies will one day entertain us. Here is a music picture film we found on the Me-Tube on our state of the art Windex Computers!!1! 


Sunday 12 January 2014

Summer Activities at Derrawarry Springs

Summer Activities at Derrawarry Springs 

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to everyone here at DS. We are sorry for giving you this notice so late but we have been planning something for your enjoyment right here at Derrawarry Springs, and that something is our DS twothousandandfourteen Summer Activities. These activities include:

  • Nature walks (We show the Elderly, who are able to walk, lovely summer nature).
  • Silent reading (On the hottest days, we staff will let the Elderly relax in our air-conditioner equipped lounge, and read any books of their choice. This is a great activity for the Elderly to give their brains a boost).
  • Extended silence time (Here at DS we usually give patients 30 minutes of silence time, where the patients reflect on the present, past, and future (!1! Just kidding 'LOL'!!1!!1) of their lives).
  • Summer exercise (We give our patients great small and big exercises to do and we will have people visiting us to help with that) .
  • Summer entertainment (We will have many different types of entertainers visiting us here at DS, from magicians like Max Maximum the Magician (MMM) to musicians such as the Troopy Trio to Sassy Silvestia).
This is Sassy Silvestia singing her hit single, Listen For The Love. 

Tuesday 20 August 2013


The Derrawarry Springs Council apologises for not posting as frequently as we promised.
We have just been having issues with our new WINDEX computers, but we have finally figured out how to use the brand new INTERNET ADVENTURER!!!1
yes we are keeping up with technology at DS and you can now sit back and relax because we will be sure to keep you updated on our blog.

If any of you missed Derrawarry radio this week, we will be putting it up on here soon so you can hear all the goss and news of DS over the last week.

Stay groovin' citizens,
DS blog team! :) (yes we figured out how to do a smiley!1!)

Thursday 13 December 2012

We Have A SponsoR!!1!

Yes D.S fans, that's right, we have a sponsor!1!!
They are helping us buy goods such as foods, medical supplies, and other supermarket things that are advertised on this show!
Given by the clue (advertised on this show!), you can guess what company it is that's sponsoring us!!

Yep, you guessed it!1 It's Brand Power!!1!! If you can't remember what this company it shows us that you haven't been watching the television (as the youth call it - you might remember that we are trying to get you oldies and other D.S fans to use the youth terms to feel younger!) Anyway, back to the topic of 'if you can't remember Brand Power (!1!!)'. It either means you haven't watched the television as part of your daily schedule or you are just developing some form of memory decay! LOL (in this case lots of love, from Cherie B, not laugh out loud).

Either way, heres a picture of their logo!
Their logo is "Brand Power, Helping You Buy Better"

But here at Derrawarry, they haven't given us too much money for our goods to buy, or much variety either, just things like Gaviscon, Fish Oil Lollies and other random stuff (as the youth say - or is it rad - short for radical LOL - laugh out loud). 
So what we've done is used our editors photoshopping skills and made it this:

ANd the logo for this one should be:
"Bland Power, Helping You DIE Better!1!!"

LOL! (LAUGH OUT LOUd!) We said 'LOL' then because it is a retirement village, and oldies can die here LOL!1!! (No offence D.S citizens!) ANd also because it says bland instead of Brand!

Sunday 9 December 2012

A lovely Christmas song!!1!1

Here's a great Christmas song that all our citizens love.
You'll love it too! this singer is an inspiration to everyone at D. S making her comeback album "Wild One" all you have to do is copy this link into your web-address bar which will lead you to Metube. then you can just sit back, relax and let the christmas cheer fill your house!!!111!!!!111!!

Merry Christmas from Derrawarry Springs!!!!!!1!!!!!

Friday 7 December 2012

DErrawarry Radio!!1

In this post, aknowledge the recent deaths.
Trudy Mallunarn and George Vallufuoffs.
We also cover the topic that we call 'Don't Die at Derrawarry!'
YOur host will be Sharon McLAren.

If the video isn't there, know that we are still trying to put it on!! Technical difficulties are occurring..

We are putting it on MeTube!!!
Click Here!!!

If you can't click it, copy and paste it into your web-adress bar!! Wowee!! We are the great techies of the aGe!1!!

Saturday 10 November 2012

Crafternoon at Derrawarry Springs!

On saturday, we had a crafternoon here at DS!
Thats right! We spent the whole afternoon doing arts and crafts and what a blast we had!

We found out what citizen Mrs. Georgia Brown's hidden talent is...she's an amazing artist!

We made some terrific stuff! From paintings to paper lanterns.

Wednesday 7 November 2012

DS Radio today!!!

Here is the latest plug in of Derrawarry Springs' very own radio station. With your host, Trudy Mallunarn. Brought to you fresh from DS!!1!!

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Derrawarry Springs Cup Carnival

Wowee! The race that stops the nation has begun! Unfortunately we could not afford to send our residents to it. So, at DS we decided to host a Cup Carnival of our own!!!! The race that stops Derrawarry Springs.
Because we couldn't afford horses either, we selected a few lucky citizens to dress up as jockeys to race around the track riding mops instead of horses.
Also, the ladies got crafty, making their very own fashionable fascinators. As well as picking out their best dresses hoping to win our very own fashion on the fields (otherwise known as the bowling green) competition.
                                                Sandy, Pru and Sandra looking  "Soopa" in their
                                                Racing outfits!

Friday 10 August 2012

The Competition is Finally Over!!1!

Hi D.S citizens and public!1!
We are really excited here because we finally get to reveal the mystery guest! Firstly we will reveal that it is a SHE! Secondly, we will reveal that she has a small job at Derrawarry so it can't be me (Cherie Burteneleigh)! And lastly, we can reveal that she is a radio host!! That's right! It's Sharon McLaren!!! The D.S citizens sounded and looked somewhat dissapointed  but we think that must just be the side effects of being a senior! ANyway, the arrival of Sharon will be in one week's time!
It's quite funnY how none of the citizens guessed that is was Miss McLaren! (yes, I said MISS wink, wink, nudge, nudge, hint, hint......other stuff to say that someone should be dating her!!) They all thought it would be someone even remotely famous! What a joke! They expect too much of us sometimes....

LOL (lots of love)
Cherie B!!!!111!\]

Saturday 4 August 2012

Keep Guessing Derrawarry!!!11!

At D.S, the competition is still on as to who the mystery guest is...and remember, this person has to do with Derrawarry Springs (slightly)! Here are some comments made by 2 D.S citizens:

A comment from a fellow citizen of D.S:
"I think it is Michael Bubbles (we think he means Michael Bublé)because he is always on the top charts of today!" Gregory Kitson
We hated to inform Gregory that he was wrong because Mr. Bublé had nothing to do with Derrawarry Springs and he isn't even Australian...we think.

A comment from a fellow citizen of D.S:
"Oh, it must be that fancy new Lady Gogo because EVERYONE loves her!1!! But I don't want anything to do with that flibbertigibbet.All she does is sing, sing, sing and dance and wear strange things like meat. Back in my day, no one would waste a good carcass of beef, especially the steak!I also would never, ever, EVER sit in an egg like an unborn chicken and...."Regina Carols
We had to stop Ms. Carols there because otherwise it would've taken up too much space!And of course we had to tell Regina that she was wrong! Keep guessing citizens!!

Keep on guessing D.S!!!11! We have a grand prize waiting for you*

*The grand prize is a warm "congrats" (as the youth say)!!!!

Friday 3 August 2012

"Mystery Guest' at D.S!!!

A surprised Georgia!
At D.S, we are so excited because we have a mystery guest coming! Of course, the office ladies and Cherie know who it is but it will be a grand surprise for our seniors! This 'person' will be arriving in 1 week and during that time, there will be a competition held! Whoever can guess who is coming wins*!
To kick the "comp" off, we will give everyone a clue... this person has a slight association with Derrawarry!!!1! Let the competition start!

*Winning in D.S just means everyone says a well deserved congratulations!

Tuesday 31 July 2012

There's a new citizen at D.S...

New Citizen at D.S!1!
We have a new citizen here at D.S...Mrs. Gale Windbottom.
Make sure that you make her feel warm and welcome here.
Remember your first day's at Derrawarry Springs? Everyone was so nice.
Warm regards,

To Gale,
we welcome you to our warm facilities,
where new friendships are made every day. We would love you to come and be with us here.
Lots of love,
All the D.S citizens.

Mrs. Gale Windbottom

Monday 16 July 2012

Derrawarry Radio - Sharon McLaren

Today's edition of D.S Radio includes a great "Whammy" of a great host, the all new Sharon McLaren, an interview with a very, very special guest, and a great hip-hop song from the music of Today!!!11!!
So sit back, relax and of course, enjoy....

P.S: Happy birthday to Morris!
As most citizens of Derrawarry Springs know, we have our own newsletter, the Derrawarry Springs Dart, which we are now using to write down everything that is said on D.S radio, for those who can't hear properly and for those who can't read properly, well just listen to D.S radio!